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215-219 Lambton Quay, ANZ Tower - Levels 1, 9 and 11 - Internal office fitouts.
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215 Lambton Quay, Commercial - Tenancy 3 Fitout
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215 Lambton Quay, Commercial - Tenancy 2 interior alterations
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215 Lambton Quay, LAPSED, ANZ Tower- Construction of new street canopy to existing building entrance
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215 Lambton Quay, Commercial - ANZ Tower Level 10, 14 and 15 - Internal partitions and a kitchen on level 15.
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215 Lambton Quay - Partial fitout of 1st floor podium, related to SR271368
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215 Lambton Quay, Commercial - Grant Thornton House Level 4 and 5 - Addition of meeting rooms, office spaces, kitchen and showers.
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215 Lambton Quay, Commercial - ANZ Tower - Office fit out to level 11 and 12, with new kitchen on each floor with an additional sink on level 12.
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215 Lambton Quay, CONFIDENTIAL, ANZ Building, Levels 2 to 5, refurbishment of tower
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215 Lambton Quay, Commercial - Internal fitout to tenancy 6 on ground floor for Nespresso retail outlet.
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215 Lambton Quay, ANZ Tower, Levels 4-15 Internal office fit-out, main lobby refurbishment and compliance work to stairwells
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215 Lambton Quay, ANZ Bank Tower Internal fit out to levels 6-10 (AKA 215-219 Lambton Quay)
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215 Lambton Quay, CONFIDENTIAL, ANZ Tower, fitout works and rebranding of ANZ Bank premises on ground floor and toilets on level 1
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215 Lambton Quay, CONFIDENTIAL, fit out works and re-branding of ANZ and National Bank premises
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215 Lambton Quay, interior refit, levels 1, 2, 9 and 13
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215 Lambton Quay, Commercial - Stage 2 of 3 - ANZ Podium - Demolish public toilet block. Remove canopies to ground floor. Selected demolition of ground floor structural slabs and beams.
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215 Lambton Quay, Commercial -Redevelopment of current ANZ Podium including increase retail tenancies, level 1 office tenancies. corporate lobby, relocation of ANZ Bank into current tenancy and new WCC toilets on Grey Street
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215 Lambton Quay, two storey addition corner of Grey Street
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215 Lambton Quay, demolition and fit-out works, level 10 and 12
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215 Lambton Quay, office building alterations
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215 Lambton Quay, minor partition alterations, level 5 and 6
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215 Lambton Quay, minor partition alterations, level 2
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215 Lambton Quay, partition alterations, level 7 and 8
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215 Lambton Quay, replacement of signs
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215 Lambton Quay, replacement and upgrade of signs
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215 Lambton Quay, office building alterations
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215 Lambton Quay, Minor fitout alterations on levels 2 and 3. Enlarge storeroom and enlarge an existing office. AKA 215-219 Lambton Quay.
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215 Lambton Quay, Commercial - ANZ Tower - Installation of new kitchens on level 4, 7, 8, 12 and 13 - Demolition and construction of internal partition walls on level 4, 12 and 13
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215 Lambton Quay, ANZ Tower, level 2, demolition of partitions and refurbishment of kitchenette and toilets
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215 Lambton Quay, alterations, ground floor and level 1
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215 Lambton Quay, shop fitout, ground floor and level 1, PIM
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215 Lambton Quay, installation of uninterrupted power supply
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215 Lambton Quay, office building alterations
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215 Lambton Quay, ANZ Tower - office alterations - level 9
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215 Lambton Quay, alterations - level 8
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215 Lambton Quay, Commercial - ANZ Tower - Level 14 and 15 - Refit including reception office space and kitchen to Level 15.
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215 Lambton Quay, Commercial - ANZ Building - Ground floor, tenancy 9 internal fitout for retail food outlet - Maki Mono.
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215 Lambton Quay, Commercial - Interior fitout to tenancy level . Create new shower and kitchenette.
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215 Lambton Quay, Grant Thornton Building - Install 3 sets of signage to roof of building
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215 Lambton Quay, ANZ Tower, Level 13, internal office fit-out
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215 Lambton Quay, Commercial - Tenancy 6 fitout [Tenancy 10 fitout]