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WCC, Building Consents and Licensing Services, Property correspondence files (known as LINK or WUFI files)
Descriptive Data
Archives Identifier00666Date Range1996-2016DescriptionThis series consists of property files documenting regulatory functions concerning land and buildings, primarily under the Building Act 1991 and Resource Management Act 1991. It was used primarily by the Environmental Control Business Unit (ECBU, later Building Consents and Licensing Services or BCLS) and Urban Strategy (later Planning & Urban Design).
The system was established by ECBU in 1996 in conjunction with a new electronic workflow system called Teamwork. Teamwork assigned a unique Service Request (or SR) number to each individual request received, under which any records created or work done were stored. Each Service Request was linked to the property it related to using the unique six digit number assigned by the Councils electronic property management system, known as the LINK number. A property file would only be created once a Service Request was made and records created. Once a file was created all future requests relating to the property were also filed on the file. Files were numbered with the unique property code. Over time they became known as ‘Link files,’ as in a Teamwork SR the property code was given as the ‘Link number’ between the property and the request. Link files replaced the building and subdivision files which were originally part of a file system created by the Town Planning Department.
From 2003 LINK files began to be superseded by WUFI (Wellington Unique Feature Identifier) files following the integration of Teamwork with the Council's Core Property System which uses WUFI numbers (these have the same function as LINK files, but are 7-digit numbers). Existing active LINK files continued to be used until subdivision creating new properties took place. At this point the LINK file was closed and a WUFI file created for the new properties.
The files are arranged numerically by LINK or WUFI number, and described by street address. For large properties a street number is not always provided, as there is no specific street address connected to the land. The files typically contain correspondence relating to resource consents (for example subdivision or land use), property or building inspections (for example Building Warrant of Fitness’, dangerous goods and health licensing etc), complaints relating to the property, weather tight homes issues (see also Series 00498), and copies of Land Information Memoranda (LIMs). Information filed relating to subdivisions was usually filed on the file for the address under which the application was made; new LINK or WUFI numbers are then assigned to the properties created, and paper files created when there is correspondence to be filed.
If information relating to a specific SR is required the LINK or WUFI file number can be found by checking Teamwork; otherwise you need to check any files with the relevant address covering the correct timeframe to find the information required. It may also sometimes be difficult to find subdivision information. In particular where more than one property has been subdivided at the same time it may be necessary to check each of the files to find the one the information was filed on.Quantity (Linear Metres)866.5MediumFileSystem of ArrangementCorrespondence files were stored in WUFI/Link number order. Large format items were stored in sequence with other large format items in Service Request number order. These large format items have been linked to the correspondence file that they relate to.Collection TypeWellington City Council
The system was established by ECBU in 1996 in conjunction with a new electronic workflow system called Teamwork. Teamwork assigned a unique Service Request (or SR) number to each individual request received, under which any records created or work done were stored. Each Service Request was linked to the property it related to using the unique six digit number assigned by the Councils electronic property management system, known as the LINK number. A property file would only be created once a Service Request was made and records created. Once a file was created all future requests relating to the property were also filed on the file. Files were numbered with the unique property code. Over time they became known as ‘Link files,’ as in a Teamwork SR the property code was given as the ‘Link number’ between the property and the request. Link files replaced the building and subdivision files which were originally part of a file system created by the Town Planning Department.
From 2003 LINK files began to be superseded by WUFI (Wellington Unique Feature Identifier) files following the integration of Teamwork with the Council's Core Property System which uses WUFI numbers (these have the same function as LINK files, but are 7-digit numbers). Existing active LINK files continued to be used until subdivision creating new properties took place. At this point the LINK file was closed and a WUFI file created for the new properties.
The files are arranged numerically by LINK or WUFI number, and described by street address. For large properties a street number is not always provided, as there is no specific street address connected to the land. The files typically contain correspondence relating to resource consents (for example subdivision or land use), property or building inspections (for example Building Warrant of Fitness’, dangerous goods and health licensing etc), complaints relating to the property, weather tight homes issues (see also Series 00498), and copies of Land Information Memoranda (LIMs). Information filed relating to subdivisions was usually filed on the file for the address under which the application was made; new LINK or WUFI numbers are then assigned to the properties created, and paper files created when there is correspondence to be filed.
If information relating to a specific SR is required the LINK or WUFI file number can be found by checking Teamwork; otherwise you need to check any files with the relevant address covering the correct timeframe to find the information required. It may also sometimes be difficult to find subdivision information. In particular where more than one property has been subdivided at the same time it may be necessary to check each of the files to find the one the information was filed on.Quantity (Linear Metres)866.5MediumFileSystem of ArrangementCorrespondence files were stored in WUFI/Link number order. Large format items were stored in sequence with other large format items in Service Request number order. These large format items have been linked to the correspondence file that they relate to.Collection TypeWellington City Council
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Restriction StatusRestrictions may apply
Related Agencies
Controlling or Creating AgencyBuilding Consents and Licensing ServicesRelationship Date RangeSeptember 2003-2012
Related Series
WCC, Building Consents and Licensing Services, Property correspondence files (known as LINK or WUFI files). Archives Online, accessed 20/09/2024,